Varicose veins (hemorrhoids)

Żylaki odbytu

Hemorrhoids – they develop as a result of widening the veins of the rectal plexus. From a medical point of view, we speak of hemorrhoids only when blood stops in the plexus of the blood vessels. As a result, nodular convexities in the mucous membrane form. Depending on the position of the varicose veins in relation to the crest line, we divide them into internal and external ones.

Internal hemorrhoids – located above the crest line, covered with rectal mucous membrane, deprived of painful innervation. The development of this type of varicose veins is rarely accompanied by pain. Internal varieties are divided into 4 stages:

  • Enlargement of lumps without falling out. At this stage they do not cause any pain, apart from sporadic bleeding.
  • The lumps fall outside during defecation, but they recede spontaneously. Characteristic symptoms include bleeding, pruritus and burning.
  • The lumps fall out during the bowel movement and must be removed manually. They can cause significant pain and occurrence of bleeding, itching and filtration
  • The lumps persist outside, they do not shrink. There are symptoms such as: bleeding, pruritus, pain, filtration and often no stools

External hemorrhoids – located below the crest line, are covered with a multilayer flat epithelium called anoderm. It is very strongly innervated, therefore the development of external varices is usually accompanied by pain.


Presumably, every third person over 30 has hemorrhoids. A significant proportion of older people are affected by this disease. The most common causes of hemorrhoids are:

  • sedentary lifestyle
  • genetic predispositions
  • pregnancy
  • hypertension in the portal vein
  • bad eating habits (including stimulants, alcohol, low content of fiber)
  • disorders in passing stool (constipation, diarrhea, chronic use of laxatives)
  • obesity
  • anal area diseases
  • some sports (horse riding, cycling, canoeing, long-distance running etc.)


Typical symptoms of a haemorrhoidal disease are pruritus, burning, a feeling of incomplete bowel movements, fresh blood during stool, pain. Most often there are several symptoms together, which for a person affected by this disease means a significant reduction in comfort and quality of life


Incorrect diagnosis, poorly selected medical treatment can lead to the development of the disease or result in a number of complications. During the consultation: – It is extremely important to collect an accurate interview with the patient.

It is also necessary to perform a basic examination of the anus, anal canal and rectal tube (Latin per rectum).

To assess the severity of the disease, and to differentiate hemorrhoids with other anal canal diseases , rectum and large intestine, endoscopic examination (colonoscopy) is necessary. Anoscopy – it is used for colonoscopy of the anal canal (latin anus) and the end part of the rectum. The sight glass has a length of 10 cm. The test allows for an accurate assessment of the anal canal, the stage of rectal varices, their hyperemia or inflammation. Anoscopy is used as the basic proctological examination in patients with a diagnosis of varicose veins. It is mainly used to assess the effectiveness of proctological treatment. This is a test that does not cause patients pain.


Md Dariusz Manowiec - - - 8/20/18 17:30 - 8/20/18 19:00 -

* dr Dariusz Manowiec przyjmuje w podanym terminie co drugi tydzień

Podane godziny przyjęć są orientacyjne i mogą ulec zmianie.

Price list

100 zł
Konsultacja z USG Doppler
150 zł
Operacja żylaków odbytu
3500 zł
Operacja przelotki odbytu
4000 zł
Plastyka odbytu
5000 zł
Operacja szczeliny odbytu
3400 zł
Wycięcie torbieli włosowatej
3800 zł
Nacięcie ropnia
600-1000 zł
Usunięcie fałdów skórnych odbytu
400 zł
Wycięcie kłykcin kończystych
700 zł

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