Breast surgery


  • The most common reason why women decide to have a breast surgery is dissatisfaction with their size, shape change after pregnancy and feeding or their asymmetry.
  • At the Dom Lekarski Medical Center you always entrust your health and appearance to the best specialists.
  • Surgeries are carried out in the operating room which fulfil European standards – we value your safety
  • We only use recommended and certified implants!

Breast Enlargment

The surgery lasts from 1.5 to 2 hours and it is carried out under general anesthesia. Implants are placed under the muscle or under the breast gland. The incision is most often made along the fold under the breast or around the nipple.

Placing the implant under the muscle may reduce the chances of the implant visability through the skin and reduce the possibility of hardening of the tissue surrounding the implants. Mammography examination is also easier with those implants.

Placing the implant under the gland enables shortening the time of the procedure and convalescence. The disadvantage of this placement may be the visability of the edges of the implants through the skin. In this case, the mammography examination may be difficult.

Recommendations after surgery

Patient stays in the hospital usually for 1 day. Physical activity should be avoided for 14 days after surgery. Do not lift heavy items and avoid lifting your arms up for 4-6 weeks after surgery. However, moderate daily activity is very important right after surgery because it reduces the risk of blood clots. You can return to sports after 6-8 weeks of surgery. Patient can return to work after 1 – 2 weeks, if it is not physical work. For 6 weeks patient has to wear a special bra 24 hours a day.

Possible complications

Each surgical procedure can be associated with complications that appear rarely, but the patient should be aware of them. The most common are:

  • bleeding,
  • infection,
  • hypertrophic scar,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • changes in sensation in the surgical area
  • formation of a fibrous capsule around the prosthesis, causing hardening of the breast.


Is the risk of breast cancer greater in women who underwent implantation?

Breast implants do not affect development of breast cancer. They can only slightly impede breast ultrasound, so you should look for a good specialist and be sure to inform the doctor about the fact of having implants.

Do implants make mammography difficult?

Yes, they make it difficult, that is why patients with implants are advised to perform breast ultrasound with an experienced radiologist.

Do implants affect the possibility of breastfeeding?

By placing the implant under the gland, the ducts can be damaged, which can lead to feeding problems. Other operating techniques do not affect the ability to feed.

Breast lift

With age, breastfeeding, or as a result of significant weight loss, the skin loses its elasticity and the breasts begin to fall. In order to improve the appearance of the breasts, the procedure of lifting them is performed, involving the removal of excess skin, subcutaneous tissue and the appropriate modeling of the breast gland.

The operations are carried out under general anesthesia (usually narcosis). The treatment lasts from 1.5 to 3 hours. The surgeon performs a cut around the nipple, further vertically down and under the breast in the shape of an anchor and the excess skin is removed. The use of a particular method of incisions depends on the individual factors and recommendations of the surgeon.

Recommendations after surgery

Bruising and swelling of the breasts last for a few to several days. Pain after surgery is not severe and disappears after taking painkillers. It is recommended to wear a special bra for 6 weeks after surgery. Stitches are removed after 7-14 days. Scars fade within six months to a year and become barely visible. However, it should be emphasized that they never disappear, so the patient has to accept the postoperative scars. Patient should avoid lifting heavy objects and lifting the arms for 4-6 weeks.

Each surgical procedure may be associated with complications that rarely appear, but it should be remembered.

The most common are:

  • bleeding,
  • infection,
  • an overgrown scar,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • sensory changes in the surgical areas, which usually returns in the period up to 1 year.

Smoking significantly slowers the wound healing process.


Breast reduction

The treatment of breast reduction involves cutting out excess skin and glandular tissue, as well as transferring the nipple to the correct position. The surgery takes about 3 hours and is performed under general anesthesia.

Recommendations after surgery

Patient stays in the hospital for 1 day. Patient should wear a special bra for 1 month. Return to work is possible after 2 weeks. Scars fade t after few months, but the process can take up to a year (hard, red scars are gradually getting paler and less visible, but they never completely disappear).

Possible complications

Thick, wide scars, marginal skin necrosis requiring correction. Infections. An uneven arrangement of nipples. Permanent loss of sensation in the nipples or breasts.

Breasts asymmetry correction

Normally there is a small difference in the size of both breasts . Sometimes this difference is significant and causes discomfort for a woman.

In order to correct breasts asymmetry surgeon performs:

  • enlargement of the smaller breast using an implant,
  • reduction of the bigger breast

Surgeries are carried out under general anesthesia. A stay in the hospital lasts one day. For one month, the patient wears a special bra 24 hours a day.